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Our Groups


In our Nursery we take care for 12 children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. Here children will first experience being part of a group with other children thier age and learn many basic social rules. Together, they create many different experiences. They make friends and every day they learn new things. 

Motor skills, cognitive development, creative-aesthetic, linguistic and social-emotional development are areas we guide growth. It is particularly important in the first year of a child’s life to promote and encourage independence. This includes eating food independently, being able to dress or undress themself or even the transition from wearing daipers to going to the toilet. During this age, the first social contacts and relationships outside of the family are created. It is for this reason, the way in which children deal with other children and adults is important. Another important goal for the end of Nursery is to prepare the child for Kindergarten.


The knowledge and experinces previously learned in the Nursery is deepened in Kindergarten. Motor skills are refined, the languages are more precisely learned, and cognitive skills are expanded. Alongside these skills, new abilities are explored and introduced: new subject, social manners, and even a new type of games (a roleplay and circle games for instance). During this time more social relationships are built, and already existing relationships are reinforced.

The oldest children of the Kindergarten (5 – 6 years) are getting prepared for primary school, while the various areas of development with the necessary basic knowledge are elaborated. The languages are strengthened through rhyming words, picture books and stories. Besides this, mathematical skills are expanded upon in the form of counting or activities involving geometric shapes. Nevertheless, the children always learn in a playful manner. Becoming familiar with further subjects such as nature, the seasons, the universe and dinosaurs etc. is a part of everyday life for the children. To compliment these themes, we also go on different field trips.

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© 2005 - 2024 CASA LUZ Krippe Kindergarten / Child nursery Preschool / Guardería infantil